"The second star to the right shines in the night for you. To tell you that the dreams you plan really can come true.
The second star to the right shines with a light so rare. And if it's Never Land you need it's light will lead you there."
If only Never Land really was a place on a map we could go to, I'd go with you. It would take some convincing on your part though. You are unstoppable and you aren't interested in slowing down time. I love that about you. You turning 5 is a big deal. It feels like we are on the cusp of a whole new chapter of your life and I'm not quite ready for this one to end. Someday you will read a book so good that you will actually be sad when you finish it. That's kind of what this birthday of yours feels like.
The good news is I know there is a sequel coming!
I bought a jar of what I call Pixie dust a few months back and I keep it on a shelf as a reminder of whats at stake in this one lifetime we get to share together. It's a reminder to slow down. I know that it's just a jar of beautiful gold glitter pieces but you actually believe its contents have the ability to transport us to a magical place where time stands still. You and I are in this silly little battle where I desperately want to take you there but you are adamantly opposed. I'm feeling a little stuck, meanwhile you need to explore what is beyond the boundaries. You are outgrowing me I think, literally, and quite figuratively. You are like a beautiful bird who is learning to spread his wings so that you can fly and see everything you never knew existed. People who keep birds in captivity clip their wings so they can't ever really fly and I guess in a weird way that's what taking you to Never Land would be like....like stifling you into captivity.
The day before your birthday I think I teased you about Never Land to the point you were actually terrified I would take you there against your will. Sorry about that little guy. It seemed harmless since I know it's impossible but to you it felt like a real possibility with scary limitations. You know enough about Peter Pan and Never Land to know that if we went there you would never grow up AND you'd be surrounded by pirates which is I'll admit kind of scary. So, I told you the truth about my "magic" jar of pixie dust and just like that you were free. I'm going to hold onto it anyway because a little magic is good for the soul and I think telling you the truth about Never Land maybe set me free too.
And who knows..someday you might be feeling a little stuck yourself and you may be nostalgic for the idea of a real Never Land and you might just find a whole new appreciation for my jar of pixie dust!
5 is a big year. I literally don't realize how we are already at this place where in the fall I am supposed to watch you get on a school bus and head off to Kindergarten! It's like I fell asleep and when I woke up instead of a day going by I realize years have flown by and I'm not sure where all the time went. The time is just gone...Instead of waking up to a baby I have this independent little boy who is outgrowing my lap and my arms. You tell jokes now and when I read you stories you try to read the words with me. You have all these opinions about things and I can see you not needing me as much to make things better. Instead of a hug and a kiss to fix everything you now have these complicated problems and feelings that you are learning to work through and it's weird for me that you don't NEED me to be the single source of an answer to a problem. I know in my mind that is a good thing I just didn't realize it was actually happening in a tangible way I could observe. It's like watching a butterfly come out for the first time. We know what the process is for a caterpillar and we know that it is literally undergoing the process of metamorphosis and yet we are no less astonished when we see that transformation process coming to fruition before our eyes. It's still amazing to see a butterfly emerge even though we knew it was coming. Thats kind of what watching your kids come into their own is like.
For the record, I absolutely love the little boy that you are and the young man you are becoming. You have so much personality! I'm not sure how it's all contained in your little body. Which by the way is always covered in mysterious boy bruises. I swear every time you get dressed or are getting into the bath you have new bumps and scrapes. You literally NEVER stop moving unless you are asleep! You are pure energy! You still LOVE superheroes (especially Spiderman) but this year your new focus seems to be on all things dinosaurs. You love to watch the Jurassic Park/World movies and your favorite dinosaur is a T-Rex. You still love to color and do any and every kind of art project. You love to get dig kits and search for fossils and gems. You also LOVE to take pictures with your iPad and fortunately for me every picture you take is shared to my phone....such a treat... LOL Normally, I delete them because they are totally random and blurry but every now and then I come across one thats a keeper!
You and your brother are the absolute best parts of my life. Who knew a couple of rowdy rambunctious boys would be my undoing! These first 5 years have been the ride of a lifetime and I know we are just getting started. The best is yet to come!
One of the selfies you took! |
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