Today is perfect and beautiful. I look outside and it's the kind of white wintery world postcards and Christmas cards are made of. No.... its better than that, it's and Ansel Adams joke! It's literally so beautiful outside that it catches your breath. I have to stop and remind myself to take this landscape in and appreciate its simple beauty. You see, I have a secret.
I. HATE.COLD. Which means, I. HATE.WINTER. Which means, I.HATE.DELAWARE.
Or so I thought. I have been a Florida girl for too long and my body can't handle this kind of cold. The kind of cold that gets in your bones. The kind of cold where no amount of layering makes you feel truly warm. However, I think Delaware will be the place where we raise Landon so its time to put on my big girl snow boots, mittens, long johns, ear muffs, etc and suck it up. Instead of complaining I am embracing Winter, I am sleeping with the enemy so to speak! This is my new Winter Mantra:
"In the midst of winter, I finally found there was, within me, an invincible summer" -Albert Camus-
Truer words were never spoken. Yes it is cold, yes its slushy and messy, yes it sucks to drive in, yes winter lasts longer than it should, but it sure is beautiful and there is some serious fun to be had in the snow. I may have actually reverted back to childhood today. We made snowballs and snow angels, Austin tackled me in the snow while I screamed like a girl and it was sort of like being a teenager again. You know, when boys were mean to the girls they secretly liked. We took Landy sledding and my heart stopped when I saw him headed for branches and trees. I screamed; "close your eyes"! Then there was laughter and hugs when Landy was just fine. He made me proud and did close his eyes!
I can't forget the best kind of laughing, that belly laughing that only comes around once in a while. I have our weiner dog Stewie to thank for this. Austin decided to use some of Landy's old baby socks with rubber bands on Stewie's feet to help keep them warm.... Yeah, not sure how that really helps when our idiot dog walks through the slushy puddles thus soaking the socks, BUT it was hilarious to watch him try and walk in them. It was sort of pitiful too but it made it that much funnier!
Again, I have to talk about how beautiful it is because I can't get over it. What is it about a big open field covered in a blanket of snow not yet discovered by footprints that makes my heart happy? It's like finding buried treasure good. It's sort of this beautiful and intimate moment where you found something exclusive and no one else will see it quite the same way you did. Not because they don't have your artistic eye and sense of wonder but because you make as many snow angels as possible and run around leaving hundreds of footprints because you are greedy and that view was ALL YOURS so there! Imagine me laughing like Ursula when Ariel and Eric share the kiss too late.
Actually, today was too beautiful not to share so here you go my Florida peeps, eat your hearts out! Feel free to send me photos of you at the beach with your beautiful tans and I will keep repeating my mantra until its true...or until Spring arrives and the Florida peeps are suffering from sweat staches and swamp ass in May! BAHAHAHAHA!
There is just something about snow covered branches |
Cardinals are absolutely stunning juxtaposed with snow |
Also, green pine trees are stunning when contrasted with snow |
 | seriously, there might be tiny winter elves living in this tree |
A Landy angel! |
This is scary beautiful, its like a winter tree monster |
Winter garb |
See...postcard worthy |
See...Ansel Adamsish |
Magical tunnel leading to open field, Sorry no pics of that, that view really was just for us!
"What good is the warmth of Summer, without the cold of Winter to give it sweetness" -John Steinbeck- |
1 comment:
Love it! There really is beauty in almost everything if we take the time to look. Im so glad you got some winter magic!
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