This week I am on vacation! I am in Dallas Tx with my husband and Landy is staying with my
in-laws. Being away with Austin in our beautiful resort has almost been like honeymooning again. Laying by the pool, delicious fruity drink in hand, books slowly devoured with no interruptions, coffee that is finished before it goes cold, sleeping naked because I can because I wont have a toddler sleepily climbing into bed with me at 5am, long lazy days that are mine to do with what I want.
Its been wonderful but I do miss my Landy. I can't help but wonder what he is doing, what he is thinking, what new adventures he is having. I see the world through a new lens and even when Landy is hundreds of miles away he is always with me. I know he is in fantastic hands having the time of his life. I also know he is getting everything he wants (aka pancakes and chocolate milk for breakfast everyday) because my mother in law told me so! I know he is being loved on and spoiled and made to feel important and it makes my heart happy!
I am so thankful for Landy everyday. He keeps me centered and grounded and my life is so much better with him in it. He is wild and free and uninhibited. Its beautiful really.
So here in photos because I can't sing is my "Ode to Landy".
I really need to get him some sunglasses!
We had just finished being chased by dinosaurs at the park when I took this picture.
It was exhausting running from them. Ha, I literally just realized he has a dinosaur shirt on, how perfect!
Landy and his cake pops! His Aunt Beth would have been proud! |
This is how I know I am loved....he gives me this leftover piece to eat when he is done! |
Some day when Landy is grown I hope we'll talk over coffee about anything and everything! |
Mmmm, I am missing his smell. He calls himself my lavender berry! |
Oh if I could kiss that face I would. |
I think the Missouri country is getting to him. He insisted on no pants and being barefoot! |
My sweet boy stopping to smell the roses, always! |
All good things are wild and free -Henry David Thoreau
Landy is incredibly lucky to have you as his mother! Your love for him is beautiful. I know it's hard to be away, but enjoy every minute of your adult time!
Thanks Kim! I did enjoy my time don't you worry!! ;) Cant wait to see our sweet boys play together!
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